CMU Bomb Lab Phase 3
Table of Contents
CMU Bomb Lab reverse engineering
Phase 3
We have reached phase 3. Let's analyze the function phase_3
that's on the binary.
Note: We are using the Intel assembly syntax now
0x08048b98 <+0>: push ebp
0x08048b99 <+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048b9b <+3>: sub esp,0x14
0x08048b9e <+6>: push ebx
0x08048b9f <+7>: mov edx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
0x08048ba2 <+10>: add esp,0xfffffff4
0x08048ba5 <+13>: lea eax,[ebp-0x4]
0x08048ba8 <+16>: push eax
0x08048ba9 <+17>: lea eax,[ebp-0x5]
0x08048bac <+20>: push eax
0x08048bad <+21>: lea eax,[ebp-0xc]
0x08048bb0 <+24>: push eax
0x08048bb1 <+25>: push 0x80497de
0x08048bb6 <+30>: push edx
0x08048bb7 <+31>: call 0x8048860 <sscanf@plt>
0x08048bbc <+36>: add esp,0x20
0x08048bbf <+39>: cmp eax,0x2
0x08048bc2 <+42>: jg 0x8048bc9 <phase_3+49>
0x08048bc4 <+44>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048bc9 <+49>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x7
0x08048bcd <+53>: ja 0x8048c88 <phase_3+240>
0x08048bd3 <+59>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
0x08048bd6 <+62>: jmp DWORD PTR [eax*4+0x80497e8]
0x08048bdd <+69>: lea esi,[esi+0x0]
0x08048be0 <+72>: mov bl,0x71
0x08048be2 <+74>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x309
0x08048be9 <+81>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048bef <+87>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048bf4 <+92>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048bf9 <+97>: lea esi,[esi+eiz*1+0x0]
0x08048c00 <+104>: mov bl,0x62
0x08048c02 <+106>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0xd6
0x08048c09 <+113>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c0f <+119>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c14 <+124>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c16 <+126>: mov bl,0x62
0x08048c18 <+128>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x2f3
0x08048c1f <+135>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c21 <+137>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c26 <+142>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c28 <+144>: mov bl,0x6b
0x08048c2a <+146>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0xfb
0x08048c31 <+153>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c33 <+155>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c38 <+160>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c3a <+162>: lea esi,[esi+0x0]
0x08048c40 <+168>: mov bl,0x6f
0x08048c42 <+170>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0xa0
0x08048c49 <+177>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c4b <+179>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c50 <+184>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c52 <+186>: mov bl,0x74
0x08048c54 <+188>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x1ca
0x08048c5b <+195>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c5d <+197>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c62 <+202>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c64 <+204>: mov bl,0x76
0x08048c66 <+206>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x30c
0x08048c6d <+213>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c6f <+215>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c74 <+220>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c76 <+222>: mov bl,0x62
0x08048c78 <+224>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x20c
0x08048c7f <+231>: je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c81 <+233>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c86 <+238>: jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x08048c88 <+240>: mov bl,0x78
0x08048c8a <+242>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c8f <+247>: cmp bl,BYTE PTR [ebp-0x5]
0x08048c92 <+250>: je 0x8048c99 <phase_3+257>
0x08048c94 <+252>: call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x08048c99 <+257>: mov ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x18]
0x08048c9c <+260>: mov esp,ebp
0x08048c9e <+262>: pop ebp
0x08048c9f <+263>: ret
We can see the function prologue from instruction 0
to instruction 6
. After this we set up a call to the function sscanf
by pushing the parameters to the stack:
0x08048b9f <+7>: mov edx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
0x08048ba2 <+10>: add esp,0xfffffff4
0x08048ba5 <+13>: lea eax,[ebp-0x4]
0x08048ba8 <+16>: push eax
0x08048ba9 <+17>: lea eax,[ebp-0x5]
0x08048bac <+20>: push eax
0x08048bad <+21>: lea eax,[ebp-0xc]
0x08048bb0 <+24>: push eax
0x08048bb1 <+25>: push 0x80497de
0x08048bb6 <+30>: push edx
0x08048bb7 <+31>: call 0x8048860 <sscanf@plt>
We push 5 parameters on reverse order, meaning that the first parameters pushed is the last function parameter. The last two parameters %edx
and 0x80497de
are the memory address of the input string and the format string in that order.
The first 3 parameters are the pointers where we will save the scanned elements.
We can check the format string to see what the phase_3
function expects our input to be:
(gdb) x/s 0x80497de
0x80497de: "%d %c %d"
So we can see the phase_3
expects an integer, followed by a spaces, then a character, then a space and finally an integer.
After scanning the two numbers and the char, we check that the scanned was sucesfull by checking the return value of sscanf
(stored in the eax
register) is greater than 2
0x8048bbc <phase_3+36> add esp,0x20
0x8048bbf <phase_3+39> cmp eax,0x2 # <- we compare it with two
0x8048bc2 <phase_3+42> jg 0x8048bc9 <phase_3+49>
0x8048bc4 <phase_3+44> call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
>0x8048bc9 <phase_3+49> cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x7
If the value is greater than two, meaning the scan was a success, we continue, if not, we explode the bomb
Then we make a second compartion, with 0x7
and ebp-0xc
(the first number we provided). If the first number we suplide is bigger than 7 the bomb explotes (we jump to instruction 240
which is the function to explode the bomb)
0x8048bc9 <phase_3+49> cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x7
0x8048bcd <phase_3+53> ja 0x8048c88 <phase_3+240>
0x8048bd3 <phase_3+59> mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc]
0x8048bd6 <phase_3+62> jmp DWORD PTR [eax*4+0x80497e8]
If we provided a value less or equal than 7, we continue to instruction 59
which moves the first value we provided, to the register %eax
. Then we find a jpm
instruction that depends on the value that's at the eax
register. This is also known as a switch statement in C.
Ok, so far we figured that we have to provide an input in the format of <integer> <character> <integer>
and that the first integer we provide has to be less or equal than 7.
Let's check what happens if the first number is, for example 6. We jump to the instruction [0x6*4+0x80497e8]
. To check this, our input will be of 6 c 10
We end on the following instrucion:
>0x8048c64 <phase_3+204> mov bl,0x76
0x8048c66 <phase_3+206> cmp DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x30c
0x8048c6d <phase_3+213> je 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
0x8048c6f <phase_3+215> call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x8048c74 <phase_3+220> jmp 0x8048c8f <phase_3+247>
The instruction 204
moves the value 0x76
to the bl
register, the following expresion compares the second number that we input with the value 0x30c
and if they are equal we jump to the instruction 247
, and if they are not equal, the bomb explotes.
Great, now we now that if our first number has to be equal to 7
and our second number has to be equal to 0x30c
which is 780
in decimal value.
Let's restart our program with an input "6 c 780"
to be able to jump to the instruction 247
>0x8048c8f <phase_3+247> cmp bl,BYTE PTR [ebp-0x5]
0x8048c92 <phase_3+250> je 0x8048c99 <phase_3+257>
0x8048c94 <phase_3+252> call 0x80494fc <explode_bomb>
0x8048c99 <phase_3+257> mov ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x18]
0x8048c9c <phase_3+260> mov esp,ebp
0x8048c9e <phase_3+262> pop ebp
0x8048c9f <phase_3+263> ret
We are almost at the end of the phase_3
function! We can see that the instruction 247
compares the register we set on the previous section (bl
register) with the value of the character we input (accesible via BYTE PTR [ebp-0x5]
) and if they are equal, it jumps to the end of the function, and if not, the bomb explotes.
Awesome, so now we know that our character has to have the ASCII value of the be
register we set on the previous section, which in this case is 0x76
. Note that if the first input number had being different, then the second number and the character would also have to be different, their value would be given by the corresponding switch statement evaluation.
The character that has 0x76
as ACII code is v
Now let's test this phase solution!
$ ./bomb
Welcome to my fiendish little bomb. You have 6 phases with
which to blow yourself up. Have a nice day!
Public speaking is very easy.
Phase 1 defused. How about the next one?
1 2 6 24 120 720
That's number 2. Keep going!
6 v 780
Halfway there!
Our solution works!!